Looking to the future

Motivating the youngsters of today is something we feel passionate about, so when an agency asked for help in inspiring the scientists and engineers of the future we were keen to know more. An energy giant and education specialist agency were looking to create an online hub, providing free educational resources to help teachers bring energy-related topics to life with real-world examples – and we helped them deliver engaging content in spades.

Our support

Following the agency’s direction, we:

  • Designed and created inspiring PowerPoint presentations and worksheets to support teachers and parents
  • Built a number of interactive online games, quizzes and tools to further extend awareness of this area
  • Used engaging content to help young people explore, grow and test their knowledge in new and exciting ways

“If you want someone who understands your brand quickly, delivers what you need, provides attention to detail and pushes the envelope beyond expectation, you’ve found the right team. They’re a real creative partner and discreet too.”



Banbury Howard,
Columba House,
Adastral Park, Martlesham,
Ipswich IP5 3RE
Call 01473 610077


Banbury Howard,
1st Floor​, Devonshire House
1 Mayfair Place,
London W1J 8AJ
Call 020 7887 2668